Brand Services

Branding & Brand Strategy

Building A Cohesive Core

Often overlooked, but the most important part of your business, branding and strategy are the very first step of our Molecule of Awesome. Here’s what’s involved in this crucial step:

Identifying Brand Persona
Identifying Core Values
Identifying Target Audience
Identifying Key Competitors
Identifying Market Category
Claiming a Market Niche
Tagline Development
Logo & Logotype Design
Visual Identity

Baker Street logo conepting

Brand Collateral

Expanding The Core

Once we have the basics of your brand nailed down, we can expand on it with items that further explain or promote it.

Print Collateral
Marketing Materials
Packaging Design
Website Design
Mobile Apps
Environmental Design
Copy Writing
Content Development
Daily Art Direction

Rooted in design,
nurtured by research.

There's much more to advertising than how many people see it. Throwing content onto the internet at random is the same as casting a line to sea with no bait. You may hook something, but it most likely won't be a fish. That's why we work to build deeply targeted digital marketing campaigns that cater to the people who need to see them. We want to build real leads, not bolster meaningless numbers, and that's where our method stands out.

The first three steps of our Molecule of Awesome™, which we call the Initial Investigation, sets the framework on which everything else in your campaign and identity is built!

Brand Persona: Step one is to personify your brand. We have to know who you are to know who you want to bring in, and more importantly to know how to present your image. The worst thing we could do is show potential clients something drastically different from what they'll get.

Customer Persona: After we know who you are, we delve in and research who your consumers are. This step lets us build an in depth persona of exactly what your typical buyer looks like so that we can build our marketing campaigns around them. You may have one persona, you may have three, but if we aren't targeting your demographic's needs, we wouldn't be doing our best for you.

Design: Finally, we have the bread and butter of this whole thing. At heart, we're a creative firm and using the information we gather from the previous steps, our team of skilled graphic design professionals works to craft visual systems and meaningful concepts that get to the core of what your demographic wants.

A venn diagram showing the three pillars of marketing. Brand Persona, Customer Persona, and Design.
Red Clay Brewing beer cansCLICK HERE TO SEE MORE

See Our Process In Action

Blue Grass Chemical Specialties is a nationally known manufacturer of chemical products serving a large majority of the cosmetics industry. When they came to us, they lacked both an online presence and cohesive visual identity. We approached this project as though it were a blank slate to form the following system. Check out the Case Study below!

Blue Grass Chemical Specialties Case Study image

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