Spray Foam Equipment & Mfg.

Spray Foam Equipment & Mfg.- Grand Prize

Holiday Tradition

Each holiday season, Spray Foam Equipment and Manufacturing (SFE&M) holds a giveaway for some of their best-selling products. In 2019, Spray Foam Equipment and Manufacturing decided that for the upcoming holiday season they wanted to give away one of their machines along with an applicator and hose. Signups for the giveaway were to begin in November, and the total value of this giveaway was more than $18,000.  Alongside the sale, there was a separate campaign running through the end of the year offering a 20% discount on many products within their store. The combination of both campaigns led to the expected value of their November pipeline increasing by more than 1,000% compared to October.

"The combination of both campaigns led to the expected value of their November pipeline increasing by more than 1,000%..."

SFE&M website mockup

Cohesive Campaigns

"We aimed to... have at least 300 people sign up for the giveaway, but this time we would also re-market to these people in order to get them interested in the sale..."

For the past several years, SFE&M has made it a tradition to give away one of their spray foam proportioners alongside other useful equipment. In 2018, they worked with a Facebook community to increase awareness of the giveaway and ultimately increase the total number of signups. About 300 different people ended up joining their giveaway, but due to the nature of the signup they were unable to use this list for marketing or sales which voided one of the main purposes of hosting the event. In 2019, SFE&M decided to hold another giveaway and came to us to rectify the problem encountered in their earlier go. By re-purposing their November advertising budget towards both the giveaway as well as their end of the year sale we aimed to once again have at least 300 people sign up for the giveaway, but this time we would also re-market to these people in order to get them interested in the sale alongside other SFE&M promotions and products.

SFE&M social media ads

Menagerie of Mediums

In order to raise awareness, we decided to purely focus on Facebook for the giveaway, but then use a mix of Google Ads and Facebook for the sale. We chose Facebook for the giveaway because it is an ideal environment for a sweepstakes, and we knew that display ads would likely not result in the traffic we desired. With the sale, we chose to use Facebook for advertising to a general audience while simultaneously re-marketing it via Google to all who had visited the website over the past 30 days. This way, we were able to ensure that those who visited because of the giveaway also knew about the sale while at the same time reminding anyone who was initially tempted by the sale but then left the site before purchasing.

"We were able to ensure that those who visited because of the giveaway also knew about the sale while at the same time reminding anyone who was initially tempted by the sale but left..."

SFE&M social media ads

Exceeding Expectations

"Their site’s average session duration went up by 83%... the expected value of November’s pipeline was more than 1000% higher than October's."

Between these two methods, we were able to gain 499 sign-ups for the sweepstakes – almost 200 more than the previous year. While some chose to sign up for the giveaway and leave, many users ended up browsing the site to learn more about the company and their products. In November, their site’s average session duration went up by 83% compared to October’s. With users browsing their catalog on their own as well as salespeople calling those who did not win to break the news but let them know about the sale, the expected value of November’s pipeline was more than 1000% higher than October’s. Spray Foam Equipment and Manufacturing was so satisfied with these results that they decided to host a second giveaway not long after the first one finished.